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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-347

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SCHOOLS IN UNION 347 SCHOOLS IN UNION WITH KING'S COLLEGE The Regulations under which District and other Grammar Schools are received into Union with King's College London are as follows That in the case of new School the Council shall be ftdly satisfied that it is required in the particular district in which it is proposed to be established II That the Head Master shall not be the Proprietor of the School III That Testimonials shall be produced including in the case of Clergyman that of the Bishop or Archdeacon which will afford evidence that provision is made in the fundamental regulations of such Schools for the systematic instruction of the Scholars in the Doctrines and Duties of Christianity as taught by the Established Church of England and Ireland and also that the Head Master and his regular Assistants are Members of that Church IV That the minimum number of Pupils of the School shall be Thirty That all changes in the staff of Masters shall be regularly certified to the Council VI That both before and after admission into Union the Principal of King's College or some one deputed by him shall be at liberty from time to time personally to inspect and inquire into all arrangements for study and recreation and the books employed in the School and that periodical
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