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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-338

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538 DONORS OF THE FIRST CLASS £ Marsh Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Peterborough 100 Maule Eaq Paper Buildings Temple in right of 110 presented by the late George Maule Esq Medlycott Hon Mra Northampton 100 Meyers Rey John 100 Middleton George Brodriek Viscount 100 Molesworth Rev Ε Rochdale 100 Monckton Hon Edward 100 Montagu Henry James Lard 100 Montrose James Duke of 100 Moore Mrs 13 Earl's-terrace Kensington in right of 100 presented by Mrs Duppa deceased Morrice Rev Longbridge Deverell Warminster in right of 100 presented by John Morrice Esq deceased Morris Rev John Elstree 121 Murray Rt Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Rochester 100 Ο Νash John Esq 14 Regent-street 100 Natt Rev Joan Vicar of St Sepulchre's 100 Nelson Rt Hon and Rev the Earl 100 Nicholl Rt Hon Sir John 160 Normanton the Earl of Seamore-place Curzon-street 100 Norris Rev Η Prebendary of St Paul's Hackney 200 Nirris Rev Charles Prebendary of Canterbury 100 Northumberland Hugh Duke of 1100 Olive Rev John York-terrace Regent's-park in right of 200 presented by the late Jeremiah Olive Esq Ormes William Esq Clifton-road Brighton 100 Palmer Roundell Esq 11 New-square 100 Ο Park Hon Mr Justice 32 Bedford-square 110 Ο Parker Charles Esq 41 Upper Bedford-place 100 Partis Mrs Ann Bath 500 Patteson the Right Hon Sir John Fenton CouTt Honiton 221 Pearson Esq Caroline-street Bedford-square 100 Ο Peel Right Hon Sir Robert Bart Whitehall-gardens 300 Pennant Esq 56 Portland-place 120 Perceval Hon and Rev Α Little Brooham Leatherhead 100 Percy Hon and Right Rev Dr Lord Bishop of Carlisle 200 Perkins Fred Esq Southwark 105 Petit Louis Esq New-square Lincoln's-inn 110 Phillips Sir Thomas King's-bench-walk 100 Plumer Rev Norton Stockton-on-Tees 100 Plumptre Rev Ε Keppel-street Russell-square 100 Pocock Esq Chester Terrace Regent's Park 100 Pollen Mrs Boileau Pollen in right of 100 presented by John Peter Boileau Esq deceased Pollock Rt Hon Sir Queen-square House Guildford-street 100 Poreher Henry Esq Park-corner Hartford Bridge 200 Porter Thomas Esq Leyfield Lodge Liverpool 100
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