Calendar: 1858-1859 Page 289
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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 289 1852 Edward Cutler Frederick Harrison Charles William Bardswell David Evans Norton 1853 Thomas Sikes Hichens Harry Holdsworth Minchin James William Shepard 1854 Edward Bulkley James Benjamin Head Hawkins 1855 King Smith Walter William Η op wood Luke Owen Pike 1856 Charles Henry Olive Daniel Isaac George Packer 1857 John James Coxhead Henry Le Poer Wynne 1858 Thomas Lloyd Murray Browne First Class in Mathematics Moderations 1852 John Bernard Behrends 1857 John Farnham Messenger 1858 Henry Wace Second Class in Mathematics Moderations 1852 David Evans Norton Cambridge Wranglers 1836 William Conway 1837 Vincent Raven Fell Tutor of Magdalene 837 Godfrey Milnes Sykes Fell &Tutorof Downing George Ebsworth Frederick Shaw John Oswald Routh Fellow of Christ's 1838 John Frere Fellow Tutor of Trinity 1839 William Collings Mathison Fell Tut of Trinity τ
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