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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-286

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286 university distinctions 1856 John Forbes Royle For twenty years Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics Isidore Brasseur For twenty-two years Professor of the French Language and Literature 1857 William Burges Formerly Pupil of School and Student of the Department of Applied Sciences Architect of the Memorial Church at Constantinople 1858 Charles Grenfell Nicolay For fifteen years Libra- rian to and Lecturer in Geography Now Chaplain to the British residents at San Salvador Frederick William Farrar Formerly Student First Class in Classics 1854 Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge James Jeakes Formerly Student Wrangler 1852 First Class in Natural Sciences 1853 Fellow of St Peter's College UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS Obtained by Students and Pupils of this College jrforti First Class in Classics Edward Sleap Albany Christie Fellow of Oriel Henry Giraud Charles Peter Chretien Fell Tutor of Oriel Richard Cowley Powles Fell Tutor of Exeter Charles Browne Fellow of Worcester Edward Hayes Plumptre Fell of Brasenose John Eaton Fell Tutor of Merton John Ryde James Edwin Thorold Rogers William Ince Fellow and Tutor of Exeter George William Kitcbin Student of Ch Ch Alfred Bailey Student of Ch Ch Peter Goldsmith Medd Fellow of University 1837 1839 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1850 1851 1852
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