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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-256

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256 THE SCHOOL Cfjirtr Class ri 0Iar61 ip8 One Scholarship each year of £10 tenable for two years for the Division of Classics One Scholarship each year of £10 tenable for two years for the Division of Modern Instruction These Scholarships are open to all Pupils who having been in the School three complete Terms were not fifteen years of age on the 1st of January preceding the Election Ν The Examinations for these Scholarships embrace all the subjects taught in the respective Divisions to which they are attached jfourtj Class Stf 0larst tp One Scholarship each year of £8 tenable for two years This Scholarship is open to all Pupils who having been three complete Terms in the School were not fourteen years of age on the 1st of January preceding the Election The after the Third Class Scholarships applies also to this Scholarship Jftftf Class Sc1 0Iar6fjij One Scholarship each year of £7 tenable for two years This Scholarship is open to all Pupils who having been two complete Terms in the School were not thirteen years of age on the 1st of January preceding the Election The after the Third Class Scholarships applies also to this Scholarship Siitlj Class S&cf 0larsl ij One Scholarship each year of £6 tenable for two years This Scholarship is open to all Pupils who having been two complete Terms in the School were not twelve years of age on the 1st of January preceding the Election
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