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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-223

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EVENING CLASSES 223 VII lEbtmng lasses WINTER COURSE 1858-9 Classes for Evening Instruction will be held during the months from November to March inclusive commencing on Monday October 25 and terminating on Friday March 25 There will be Vacation of four weeks at Christmas II The following will be the subjects taught DIVINITY the history of the christian church from the com- mencement of the second to the end of the sixth century General Survey of the Period Its great Landmarks -The right method of studying it II The Age of Apologists Their Results Justin Martyr circ 160 Tertullian cire 220 Minucius Felix circ 240 III The great centres of Christian Activity Antioch Alexandria Rome Their Characteristics and mutual Relations IV Alexandria -The Catechetical Schools there -Cle- ment 217 Origen 254 -Their per- sonal History and Teaching Tertullian -Importance of his Life and Writings Their relation to prevailing Heresies -to the Social Life of the Church -Cyprian 256 VI Rome -Its chief Pastors -Its relations with other Churches VII The Emperors in their relation to the Church -The chief Persecutions The signs of the coming Change -The Conversion of Constantine VIII Religious and Social Life -Discipline and Worship of the Church -Rise of Monasticism -Its earlier and later Developments
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