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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-154

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154 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Each Candidate for Matriculation must produce testi- monial of good moral character and when admitted by the Principal must subscribe his name to Declaration that he will conform to all such Rules and Regulations as may from time to time be made for the good government of the College under the sanction and authority of the Council Matriculated Students are required to attend regularly the College Chapel and the Divinity Lectures by the Chaplain or the Principal they must wear the Academical cap and gown within the precincts of the College except in the Dissecting Room and are required to attend with perfect regularity the lectures of their year Leave of absence can be obtained from the Sub-Dean of the Medical Department alone to whom in case of sickness or other unavoidable cause of non- attendance written notice is to be immediately sent Matriculated Students are alone eligible as Clinical Clerks Dressers Physicians' Assistants or House Surgeons to the Hospital can alone contend for the Warneford and College Scholarships the Leathes and Warneford Prizes and tbey pay lower amount of fees to the Hospital than Non-matricu- lated Students The regular Course of Instruction in this Department occu- pies either three or four years according to particular circum- stances Seepage 156 The year is divided into two Sessions The Winter Session beginning October 1st terminates at the end of March The Summer Session beginning May 1st terminates at the end of July No one can be admitted into this Department under the age of sixteen except by the special permission of the Prin- cipal There is short vacation at Christmas extending from the day before Christmas Day to the day after New Year's Day inclusive There are Prize Examinations at the close of each Session that at the close of the Winter Session being followed by public distribution of Prizes This does not apply to the Daniell Scholarship
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