Calendar: 1858-1859 Page 117
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Page content
applied sciences 117 collodion negatives The Collodion and Bath -Iodide of Cadmium as an Iodizer -its Advantages and Defects-Iodide of Potassium-Inju- rious Action of Nitric Acid in the Bath-Effect of Acetate of Soda-of Glycyrrhizine and Organic Bodies in the Collodion -Decomposition of Collodion by keeping Developing Solutions -Use of Sulphate of Iron to restrain excessive intensity-of Acetate of Soda to increase intensity- -Mode of Pushing the Development failures in the Negative Process -Spots Markings Defective Development &c -Specimens of Perfect Negatives photographic printing Preparation of the Sensitive Papers -English and Foreign Papers-Details of the Albumen Process-of the Plain Paper Process of the Process with Ammonia Nitrate-Use of Organic Matters in varying the Colour-how to Print feeble and intense Negatives Toning the Prints -With Hyposulphite and Gold-with Sel d'Or-with Alkaline Solution of Chloride of Gold after fixing-with Fulminating Gold in Hyposulphite of Soda photographic printing-continued Fading of Photographs -Its Causes explained how to obviate them-Sulphur Toning-Gold Toning-best Mode of Washing and Mounting Prints Printing by Development -With Chloride of Silver and Gallic Acid-Toning with and without Gold Stereoscopic Transparencies -On Co ilodio-Albumen developed with Pyrogallic Acid taupenot's collodio-albumen process Mode of rendering Collodion limpid and adhesive-Prepa- ration of the Dry Plates-their Development by Gallic Acid- by Pyrogallic Acid-the Apparatus required for Field-work stereoscopic photography &c Stereographs -The Apparatus-Modifications in Developing the Negatives-How to Mount the Prints-Use of dark Box for taking Stereoscopic Pictures in the Open Air
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