Calendar: 1858-1859 Page 111
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applied sciences Ill Fermentation -Beer Wine Spirits Bread Alcohol -Etherification Organic Acids -Vinegar Acetificatiori Lactic Tartaric Citric Tannic &c Acids Organic Bases -Morphia Quinia &c Oils and Fats -Soap and Candle making Resins -Varnishes Caoutchouc Gutta Percha Colouring Matters -Dyeing Calico Printing Albumen and Fibrin -Preservation of Animal and Vegetable Substances Gelatin -Preparation of Leather and Glue On the Nutrition of Plants and Animals Frequent Examinations of the Class both viva voce and by written papers are held during the Course at the usual Lecture hour Dr Miller has published work on Chemistry which is used as text-book by the Class IX Practical Chemistry Monday 10 30-12 30 Students who have completed six Terms in this Department are admitted to Course of Practical Chemistry consisting of Twelve Demonstrations in each term and they go through course of Manipulation in the most important operations of Chemistry including the first steps of Analysis Other Students of this Department may be admitted to this Class at any period of their study on payment of the usual extra fee The subjects are arranged in the following order Determination of Specific Gravities Of heavy masses insoluble in water Of light insoluble masses Of solids in powder or small fragments Of liquids II Glass AVorking Operations with glass rod Joining bending and sealing glass tubes Blow ing glass bulbs and funnel tubes Making test tubes
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