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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-94

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94 general literature and science The author of each Exercise is required to conceal his name and to distinguish his composition by some motto sending in at the same time his name sealed up under cover bearing the same motto Section king's college united debating and literary society Secretary-Robert Dell This Society has been established for the purpose of affording to the Students of all Departments of the College an opportu- nity of meeting together for the discussion of literary political and historical subjects The Members of the Society meet every Wednesday and Satur- day and al so hold terminal Evening Discussion The Questions for discussion are submitted for the sanction of the Principal The affairs of the Society are conducted by Committee of officers chosen at General Meeting of the Members at the end of each Term The Society gives an Annual Prize of Two Guineas for the best Essay on some subject to be chosen by the Principal The Prize is open to all the Students of the College but the successful competitor is required to become Member The Society also gives at the conclusion of the Easter Term certificates to the first and second best speakers of the year The Subscription consists of an entrance fee of Three Shillings and payment of Two Shillings per Term Gentlemen who have left the College or become Associates after having been Members of the Society for Two or more Terms are eligible for Election as Honorary Members Students who are desirous of joining the Society are requested to give their names to the Secretaries Subject for 1858 Homo Naturae minister et Interpres tantum facit et in- telligit quantum de Naturse Ordine re vel mente observaverit nec amplius scit aut potest -Bacon's Nov Qrgamm Apho- rism
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