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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-93

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general literature and science 93 Vlumjtrr yrifCS The Rev Edward Hayes Plumptre Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford formerly Student of and now Chaplain and an Honorary Fellow of this College gives annually two Prizes in Books of the value of Five Pounds together for the best English Verse Composition on such subjects as shall be fixed by the Principal These prizes are open to all Matriculated Students of the CoUege not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department Subjects for 1858 Original Verse -The First Crusade Translation of -Cleanthes-Hymn to Zeus-Horn IL XXIV 707-804-Luc Phars III 84-168 IBasent rt George Webbe Dasent Esq late Professor of English Literature and Modern History gives annually prize in books of the value of Ten Pounds for the best English Essay on some Historical or Literary subject which shall be dis- tinguished by accuracy of composition and elegance of style This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department Subject for 1858 An Inquiry into the Structure Language and Metre of Shakspeare's Henry IV and Richard II as illustrating the Epochs and Characters embraced by the two Plays -In writing this Essay it will be desirable that the author should briefly contrast the two reigns as they appear in history as they appear in Shakspeare on which the main stress is to be laid he should show how the chief characteristics of the two are illustrated by the structure language and metre of the two plays The Exercises must be delivered to the Secretary of King's College before four o'clock on Friday April 30 1858 and after that time none will be received
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