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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-92

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92 general literature and science Darnell $rf 0larsf 1p This Scholarship has been established in honour of the late Professor Daniell and is open to all Students of this Depart- ment See page 171 Section IX PRIZES The following Prizes are open to Students of this Depart- ment Γ lie ilruiripal's tfn The Rev Jelf Principal gives annually one Prize of the value of 21 2s in books for the best Latin Verse Composition or Translation This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department Subject for 1858 Translation of Heber's Palestine line 167-271 "And he the kingly sage forgot their own Classical rofeseor's $rije The Professor of Classical Literature gives annually one Prize in books for the best Latin Essay This Prize is open to Matriculated Students of this Department not being Associates Subject for 1858 De Aristophane iEschyli Sophoclis et Euripidis censore Stephen Jlrijt Gniotornmt Sir George Stephen has presented to the College sum of Fifty Guineas which is invested in the Public Funds The Annual Interest is to be given in Books for the best English Essay on such subject as shall be fixed by the Principal This prize is open to all Matriculated Students of the Col- lege not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department Subject for 1858 The Character of Peter the Great
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