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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-88

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ss general literature and science Scholarship for the English Language and Literature &c The Works of Addison The Works of Burke not including the Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful the French Revolution and the Charge against Warren Hastings The Reign of Queen Anne Section VIII CoIItgt ict alav$l i$g General Rules Good conduct regular attendance at Chapel and upon the Divinity Lectures together with competent knowledge of such subjects in Divinity as shall be previously fixed upon are indispensable for the admission of any Student or Pupil to be Candidate for Scholarship in this College Every Scholarship is held subject to forfeiture for mis- conduct In case there should be no candidate of sufficient merit in any year the Scholarship of that year will not be awarded Any Scholar desirous of obtaining Certificate of having gained Scholarship may obtain the same from the Secretary on payment of the fee prescribed by the Council The payments for all Scholarships are made quarterly and the amount due may be applied for in the Secretary's Office any day succeeding the second Friday in the months of January April July and October Dibim'tg Stfjolarafjip One of Ā£30 in each year held for year This Scholarship is open to all Matriculated Students of King's College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department who have completed three and not exceeded nine Terms The next Examination will take place on Thursday April 15 1858 in the following subjects
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