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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-85

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 85 Section HOURS OF ATTENDANCE The duties of the day commence Tilth prayers in the Chapel at Ten o'clock precisely when the attendance of all Students is required Classics Mathematics Divinity Eng Language Modern History French German Hebrew Italian Chinese Sanscrit &c Arabic Logic Fencing Landscape Drawing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10J I0 31 11J 12 10J li3 3J 4J 8J 4J 11J 12J 10J 1J 10J li3 3J 4J 10 Si4 10J lj 3J 4J 31 4J 10J 12i ίProfessor De la Motte permits his Pupils to attend in his School Class-room daily for any length of time that can be spared from other duties Section VI CLIovSiri fijotai'sijtpS Instituted by Maj -Gen Sir Henry Worsley 1834 or the Education of Missionaries to British India The Council elect Two Scholars upon this foundation to whom instruction is given free of all expense in every depart- ment of knowledge Medicine and Surgery included which may serve to qualify them for the discharge of their important office with stipend of 25 a-year each in aid of their main- tenance so long as their studies shall be continued in the College and their conduct be approved by the Principal The
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