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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-78

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7S general literature and science At the examination which takes place at the close of ths Easter Term the following distinctions are given 1st Division To the First in order if otherwise eligible Scholarship of 40 per annum for two years To the Second in order Prize of Books To the Third and Fourth in order Certificates of Honour To the Fifth in order Certificate of Approval 2d Division To the First in order if otherwise eligible Scholarship of 30 To the Second in order Prize of Books To the Third and Fourth in order Certificates of Honour To the Fifth in order Certificate of Approval 3d Division To the First in order if otherwise eligible Scholarship of 20 To the Second in order Prize of Books To the Third and Fourth in order Certificates of Approval 4th Division To the First in order Prize of Books To the Second in order Certificate of Approval Mathematical Subjects for 1857-8 First Division -Euclid Ī¤ II III IV VI XI -Algebra- Plane Trigonometry and Conic Sections geometrically Second Division -Analytical Geometry of two dimensions- elementary parts of the Theory of Equations-the Differential and Integral Calculus functions of one variable Third Division Mechanics Newton sect II III Spherical Trigonometry and the Elements of the Geometry of three Dimensions The Junior or Fourth Division will read the Elements of Algebra and Euclid
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