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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-75

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general literature and science 75 in Text-books chosen by the Principal These Text-books for the Academical Year 1857-8 will be- For Third Year Students Bishop Butler's Analogy These Examination Papers are accurately looked over and system of marks indicating relative merit is established At the close of the Michaelmas and Easter Terms the Students are classed according to merit and on the last day of the Academical Year prizes are adjudged to the two best Stu- dents in the first second and third years respectively Student who has obtained Divinity Prize in any one year cannot again become candidate for these Prizes II The Greek and Latin Classics Lectures daily Saturday excepted from 10 15 to The subjects of these Lectures are the works of the best Latin and Greek writers and Greek and Latin Composition both in Prose and Verse Besides the work which is done in the Lecture Room the Students are expected to prepare given portion of Roman and Greek History for each College Examination and to commit to memory weekly certain portion of Horace Virgil or Cicero The Students are divided into four Divisions according to their proficiency and in these Divisions they are arranged in order of merit at each examination At the examination which takes place at the close of the Easter Term the following distinctions are given To the First in order if otherwise eligible Scholarship of 40 per annum for two years To the Second in order Prize of Books To the Third and Fourth in order Certificates of Honour To the Fifth in order Certificate of Approval First Second Paley's Horse Paulinse Birks' Horse Apostolicse Published by the Religious Tract Society The Historical Books of the Old Testament Ist Division
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