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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-69

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theological department 69 Any Student may have Tea in his own room by paying Is extra 611 will be charged for each friend Each Student will have to provide his own bed-linen towels lamp &c Student taking rooms for the whole Academical Year may pay the whole sum upon entrance or may divide it paying one-half upon entrance and the remainder at the beginning of the succeeding Term One Term's notice will in all cases be required of the inten- tion of any Student to give up his rooms In the event of there occurring any vacancy in the rooms the Students will have the preference of changing their rooms according to seniority No Student dismissed from the rooms on account of his infringement of the Rules and Regulations laid down will have any claim for the return of the Fees already paid All Fees are payable in advance REGULATIONS No one not being Theological Student can be admitted at any time into the Common Room except by special leave from the Principal or Censor During the pleasure of the Principal all Theological Stu- dents of three Terms full standing are allowed the use of the Common Room from after Morning Chapel until Evening Chapel Fires are prohibited in rooms which are used only as sleep- ing apartments except by Medical Certificate Smoking and playing at cards or games of chance are absolutely prohibited Wine and bottled beer may be obtained from the College Manciple and from him only except by special leave No pictures or prints and no additional furniture must be introduced into any room without the written permission of the Censor Quiet order decorum and peaceful conduct must be strictly observed
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