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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-68

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68 theological department Section XI residence of theological students See also page 262 Residence has been provided within the College precincts for Theological Students All Students except Graduates of Oxford Cambridge and Durham and those whose homes are in London or its neighbourhood must be prepared to occupy any rooms which may be vacant whenever the Principal shall call upon them to reside The Rev Perowne appointed by the Council Censor of the College has committed to him the superintendence of all resident Students under strictly academical discipline terms No Bed-room with common sitting-room Bed-room Sitting-room and Bed-room in one Bedroom wlth common sitting-room Bed-room Sitting-room and Bed-room in one Bed-room mmon jtting-room Bedroom Sitting-room and Bed-room in one Bed-room common sitting-room Bed-room Sitting-room and Bed-room in one Sitting-room and Bed-room Sitting-room and Bed-room Academical Year Each Term £50 £20 50 20 50 20 55 22 55 22 50 20 55 22 55 22 50 20 55 22 55 22 50 20 50 20 50 20 In these amounts are included the whole expenses of Rent for Furnished Rooms and Attendance throughout the year Coals during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms Breakfast and Tea in the Common Room and Dinner in the College Hall during Term To any Student occupying his rooms during the Vacations the extra charges will be 2s 6d per week for coals and 6s per week for Breakfast and Tea These charges are to be paid weekly Any person not residing in the Theological rooms brought in by permission of the Principal to Breakfast or Tea is to pay 6d for each meal
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