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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-48

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4S annual report april 1857 expense of keeping in repair that portion of the Hos- pital which occupies the Old Building formerly the Parish Workhouse and to the difficulties of main- taining the Charity in its present state of efficiency without increased accommodation consider the com- pletion of the whole of the New Building to be an 'object of primary importance II That the Council whilst they regret that as Corporate body they have no funds at their present disposal by which to further the object of completing the Hospital are deeply anxious that early steps should be taken in this matter cordially approve of the formation of Committee of which many of their "members will they feel assured be willing to form "part with the special view of accomplishing that design "and will take every opportunity of commending it to "the kindness and generosity of all the friends of the College The Council are happy to learn that some progress has been already made in collecting subscriptions It is work which peculiarly eommends itself to every friend of the College and the Council venture very strongly to urge its support upon this Court The Council cannot close this subject without calling upon the Court to join with themselves in giving cordial thanks to Sir Thomas Phillips Vice-Chairman and the Committee of Management for their unwearied zeal in promoting the effi- ciency of the Hospital during the past year AVords cannot express too strongly the Council's sense of the devotion which has been manifested to this charitable handmaid of the College With respect to King's College School Dr Major its indefatigable Head Master reports that the conduct of the Pupils collectively has been marked almost without an ex-
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