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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-47

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1807 47 charge of this Department of the Hospital have seriously engaged the attention of the Council and they have resolved upon the following changes and additions viz Mr Henry Lee who filled the office of Assistant Surgeon with the charge of Outpatients for eight years has been appointed Surgeon and Mr John Wood and Mr John Whitaker Hulke Assistant Surgeons Dr Lionel Beale has been appointed Physician and Dr Charles Murchison and Dr Conway Evans Assist- ant Physicians The Court bearing in mind that 500 patients have often to be seen in one day will fully recognise the importance of these appointments The Rev John Oliver having after many years of faithful service resigned the office of Chaplain to the Hospital has been succeeded by the Rev Henry Giraud The Committee of the Hospital have lately laid before the Council the report of Sub Committee appointed by them to consider the subject of completing the new building The arguments used by the Sub-Committee led the Council to pass the following Resolutions which embody the result of their own deliberations upon this important subject The Council having received from the Committee of Man- agement of King's College Hospital Report of Sub-Corn- mittee of their body detailing the reasons which induce them to urge very strongly the completion of the New Buildings "and having fully considered such Report- Resolve- That the Council of King's College London ad- "verting to the large and increasing number and neces- sities of the sick Poor seeking relief from King's College Hospital to the inadequate provision for venti- lation and intercommunication in the existing Buildings by reason of the incomplete state of the works to the
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