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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-46

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40 annual report april 1857 The only change which has taken place during the year in the staff of the Department is the appointment of Dr George Johnson to succeed Dr Royle who had held the Professorship of Materia Medica since 1836 but was compelled to resign it in May last owing to the pressure of other duties Dr Johnson previously held the office of Resident Medical Tutor in the College for seven years and being already one of the Physicians of the Hospital will have continual opportunities of illustrating his teaching as Professor by his practice in the wards The Council had much gratification in electing Dr Boyle an Honorary Fellow of King's College London The friends and admirers of the lamented Edward Forbes Esq have during the past year presented to the Council marble bust of their late distinguished Professor of Botany by Lough Esq This has been placed in the Large Hall opposite to the bust of Professor Daniell King's College Hospital requires from the Council more than usually special notice Many changes of import- ance have taken place during the last year At the suggestion of the Council who were anxious to recognise the long-continued services of Mr William Bow- man by appointing him Surgeon to the Hospital and who also felt the great importance of allotting limited number of beds to Dr Arthur Farre for the treatment of cases pecu- liar to women the Committee have provided during the past year eighteen additional beds thus essentially promoting the interests of the Medical School of the College whilst consider- ably enlarging the operations of the charity Notwithstand- ingthis addition to the number of beds in permanent use the applications for admission continue to be very greatly in excess of the means of accommodation The Council have indicated their sense of the claims of Dr George Johnson by appointing him third Physician to the Hospital The great addition which of late years has taken place in the number of persons daily seeking advice as Outpatients and the consequent increase of the duties of the Officers in
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