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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-455

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5 dation provided in the Old Kitchen and Domestic Offices The provision for cooking and for the performance of the domestic labours of the establishment in the basement floor of the Old Building is extremely limited and in- convenient and is besides wholly inadequate particu- larly since the increase of Beds and the addition of the large staff of Nurses from St John's House in con- sequence of the valuable arrangements lately made with the Council of that body for the Nursing of the Hospital IV The great annual expense of keeping up the Old Building This expense has become very considerable and is every year largely increasing and some parts of the building are in such state of dilapidation as to cause considerable anxiety as to their stability and safety On these grounds therefore the Committee have been compelled to come to the resolution that it is absolutely essential for the continuance of the Hospital in its present efficiency that steps be at once taken to complete the New Buildings Under these circumstances the Committee cast them- selves once again on that Christian liberality which has never failed to respond to the necessities of this noble Charity The Committee require in all for the completion of the Hospital and towards the current expenses during the next two years whilst these works are in progress the sum of £40 000 Of this sum the Committee and their immediate friends before putting forth this Appeal contributed £10 000 which may be regarded as an earnest of their own strong conviction of the necessity of the undertaking The contributions devoted to the building will be
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