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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-454

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4 portion of the work completed by means of the effort commenced in 1849 would meet every present want and that it would not be necessary for many years to build the remainder of the New Hospital but in this view they find themselves entirely mistaken The following cir- cumstances have compelled them to renew their labours and again to appeal for help The large and increasing number and necessities of the Sick Poor seeking relief There were last year 155 more In-patients and 750 more Out-patients than in 1855 and already during the first four months of this year there have been many hundreds more patients than in the corresponding time last year The Committee added 18 beds to the Hospital during the year 1856 but additional room is urgently required for the sick poor seeking relief from the Charity II The inconvenience and danger arising from the pre- sent unfinished state of the communication between the Old and New portions of the Building The temporary passages connecting the Old and New Buildings formed as they are of thin plates of metal afford very made- quate protection in cold weather to the Sisters and Nurses who have to traverse these passages by day and night and they are thus exposed to risks whilst engaged in their labours from which it appears to be an im- perative duty in the Friends of the Charity to afford them protection The ventilation and comfort of the Hospital would be greatly promoted by the new staircase and the passages connecting it with the Wards III The dilapidated condition and inadequate accommo-
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