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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-451

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KING'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL Cmmrattw for £0mj Iftimt of hr $nHbing Chairman-HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE President of King's College Hospital yice-Cltairman-WM TAYLOR COPELAND ESQ Alderman Treasurer of King's College Hospital Chairman of Sub-Committee-SIR THOMAS PHILLIPS HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD CHANCELLOR HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF BRISTOL THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF WESTMINSTER THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE MARQUIS OF CHOLMONDELEY THE RIGHT HON THE EARL OF HARROWBY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE EARL HOWE THE RIGHT HON RIGHT REV THE LORD BISHOP OF LONDON THE RIGHT REV THE LORD BISHOP OF WINCHESTER THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF LICHFIELD THE RIGHT HON THE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE THE RIGHT HON LORD CALTHORPE THE RIGHT HON THE LORD FEVERSHAM THE RIGHT HON THE LORD MAYOR THE VERY REV THE DEAN OF WESTMINSTER THE VERY REVEREND THE DEAN OF ST PAUL'S Brodie SirB Bart Budd George Esq Bowman William Esq Beale Lionel Esq Ii י χ ו μ Esq Capel James Esq Cheere Robert Esq Coleridge the Hon Mr Justice Cotton William Esq Cunningham Esq Clarke Richard Esq Cartwright Samuel Esq Denton Henry Esq Duncombe the Hon and Rev Egerton Esq Erskine Η Esq Evans Conway Esq Fergusson Esq Farre Arthur Esq Ferguson Robert Esq Fisk Rev Gladstone Right Hon ALP Gut Esq Grben Jos Hen Esq Henfrey Arthur Esq Herbert Right Hon Sidney Heberden Charles Esq Hulke Esq Harrison Venerable Archdeacon Heathcote Sir Bart Herbeht Right Hon Sidney Jele the Rev Jones Rymer Esq Johnson George Esq Lee Henry Esq Major the Rev Mason the Rev Moody William Esq Moore Edmund Esq Muhchison Charles Esq Miller Esq Partridge Richard Esq Pocock John Innes Esq Powell Nathaniel Esq Palmer Roundell Esq Patieson Right Hon Sir John Robinson Charles Esq Sambrooke Thomas Esq Smith jun Esq Stilwkll John Esq Storks Hen Esq Serjeant-at-Law Staunton Sir Bart Todd Robert Esq Twining Richard Esq Tinney William Esq Vernon-Harcourt Esq Watson Thomas Esq Wigram Edward Esq Wigg Francis Esq Wood John Esq RX
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