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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-45

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1857 45 has taken place in the number of Matriculated Students This decrease in the class of Students most completely identified with the College as taking the whole of their medical educa- tion within its walls is mainly attributable to the war which has been so recently brought to close and coincides with similar decrease in other leading medical schools of London Of the character and conduct of the Students of this Depart- ment the Principal speaks in very favourable terms both from the reports of the Dean and from his own observation Of the diligence and zeal of the Matriculated Students who entered last October the Council have had evidence in the unusually large competition for the Junior Scholarships The Rev the Chaplain continues to report very favourably of the attention given by the Students of this Department to his instruction in Divinity and of their attainments in that most important of all branches of human learning The success of Mr Charles Martin Russell Medical Student in obtaining the second of the two Prizes offered by Miss Burdett Coutts for the best essays on scriptural subject chosen by herself is in keeping with this favourable report of the Chaplain The Students of this Department have maintained the repu- tation of the College in open professional competition outside its walls Mr John Harley Junior Scholar of 1856 obtained last year the Prize in Botany offered to the Medical Students of the metropolis by the Society of Apothecaries and so often awarded in former years to Pupils of King's College and Mr Henry Cayley attained the first place in the open exami- nations for medical appointments in the Service of the East India Company At the University of London the following Students obtained Honours William Spenser Watson William Liddon Rinso Robert Siocama William Spenser Watson Francis Joseph Dowling George Frederick Atchlet In Anatomy and Physiology In Materia Medica In Structural and Physiological Botany In Medicine In Chemistry and in Botany
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