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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-448

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450 LIST OF WORKS ETC BY ROBERT LOTT Questions on McHenry's Spanish Grammar The Life of Zoroneter BY DUNCAN FORBES LL Dictionary Hindustani-English and English-Hindustani Royal 8vo cloth 21 12s 6d Hindustani Grammar Reading Lessons and Vocabulary in the Oriential and Roman Characters forming an introduction to the Bagh-o-Bahar 8vo 12 Hindustani Manual being short Grammar Dialogues Vocabu- lary &c in the Roman Character 18mo bound 5s 6d Bagh-o-Bahar Hindustani Text Royal 8vo 15 Bagh-o-Bahar in English 8vo 10 The Bagh-o-Bahar is the text-book in which Cadets and Assistant-Surgeons are examined in India Tota Kahani in Hindustani Royal 8vo 10s Oriental Penmanship Guide to the Study of Oriental Manu- scripts 4to 8s Persian Grammar Reading Lessons and Vocabulary Royal 8vo 12s 6d BY LEONE LEVI ESQ Commercial Law of the World vols 4to 61 Manual of Mercantile Law of the United Kingdom 12s BY THOMAS WATSON Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic delivered at King's College London Vols 8vo Third Edition 34s BY ROBERT TODD Practical Remarks on Gout Rheumatic Fever and Chronic Rheu- matism of the Joints Is 6d The Descriptive and Physiological Anatomy of the Brain Spinal Cord and Ganglions 7s BY ROBERT TODD AND BOWMAN The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man with original Illustrations Volume cloth 15s Parts III IV Sectl 7s each BY DANIELL Elements of Meteorology Vols 8vo With Plates 32s Introduction to Chemical Philosophy New Edition enlarged 21s
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