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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-442

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LIST OP WORKS published bt PROFESSORS MASTERS OF KING'S COLLEGE LONDOIT BY THE REV JELF Bampton Lectures for 1844 10s 6d Sermons Doctrinal and Practical 9s 6d The whole Works of Bishop Jewell toIs 8vo University Press Oxford 1848 Concio ad Clerum Provincise Cantuarensis 1847 Jussu Re verendissimi BY THE VERY REVEREND TRENCH On the Study of AVords Six Lectures Second Edition enlarged 3s 6d Notes on the Parables Fourth Edition 8vo 12s Notes on the Miracles Third Edition 8vo 12s St Augustine's Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount Second Edition With an Introductory Essay on St Augustine as an Interpreter of Scripture 7s The Essay separately 3s 6d Star of the Wise Men Commentary on the Second Chapter of St Matthew 3s Sacred Latin Poetry selected and arranged for Use With Notes and Introduction 7s or 14s bound in antique calf The Fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men-Christ the Desire of all Nations being the Hulsean Lectures for 1845 and 1846 New Edition 8vo 7s 6d Elegiac Poems Second Edition 2s 6d Justin Martyr and other Poems Third Edition 6s Poems from Eastern Sources Genoveva and other Poems Second Edition 5s 6d
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