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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-441

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Page content

INDEX page Theological Department- Candidates for Admission 67 Residence in College 68 Names of those who have passed in 1856-7 71 Names of Students 72 Names of Candidates 73 Todd Clinical Prizes 171 Treasurer for 1857 19 United Debating Society 94 University of London-Rules 195 University of Edinburgh-Rule 197 University Distinctions- Oxford 271 Cambridge til London 278 443 page Vocal Music- Fees 65 258 Hours of Attendance 66 260 Warneford Prize Endowment 161 List of Prizemen 184 Warneford Scholarship Endow 162 List of Scholars 185 Workshops- Instruction given 110 Regulations 112 Fees 117 Hours 118 Worsley Scholarship Endowment 85 List of Scholars 95
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