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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-440

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Page content

442 INDEX page Plan Drawing- Fees 217 Hours 218 Plumptre Prizes 93 Principals Names of 20 Principal's Prize for Latin Verse- College 92 School 231 Professors and Masters Names of- Theological Department 59 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 74 Dep of Applied Sciences 102 Medical Department 130 Military Department 211 The School 219 Proprietors List of 305 Public Reading Course of 60 Fees 65 Hours of Attendance 66 Public Health Course on 60 Fees 65 Hours of Attendance 66 Residence of Students- In College 68 262 In Private Families 265 PupilsofK School 230 Scholars Names of- Worsley Foundation 95 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 95 Dep of the Applied Sciences 125 Wameford Foundation 185 Medical Department 186 The School 241 Scholarships Regulations for- Worsley 85 Inglis 86 Divinity 88 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 89 Dep of Applied Sciences 120 Wameford 162 Medical Department 168 Daniell Scholarship 171 The School 235 page School King's College- Masters' Names 219 Division of Classics 220 Div of Modern Instruction 221 Math and Arith Course 224 Extra Instruction 225 Rules as to Admission 226 Hours of Attendance 226 Dining Hall &c 227 Vacations and Examinations 227 Fees 228 Books 229 Residence of Pupils 230 Prizes 231 Scholarships Rules of 235 Subjects 1858 238 Choral Exhibitioners 240 Literary Union 241 Scholars Names of 241 Prizemen 1857 45צ Names of Pupils 249 Schools in Union- Regulations and Privileges 329 Names of Schools 331 Prizemen 1857 331 Shares former Holders of 301 Society of Apothecaries- Rules of 203 Stephen Prize Endowment 92 Students' Boxes for Gowns &c 267 Surgeons College of 202 Surgery- Lectures 134 Fees- 155 Hours 158 Theological Department- Professors' Names 59 Instruction given 59 Class of Persons Admitted 60 Regulations for Admittance 61 Period of Study 62 General Rules 62 Examinations Certificates 63 Fees 64 Hours of Attendance 66 Associateship 67
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