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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-439

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Page content

INDEX page Medical Department- Course of Study required by the College and Hall 156 Mode of payment 156 157 Free Admission to Lectures to whom given 157 Hours of Lectures 158 Hours for Hosp Attendance 159 Associateship Rules for 159 Endowments 160 Scholarships Rules for 168 Prizes 171 Clinical Clerks &c totheHosp 173 Medical Society 181 Names of Scholars 186 Prizemen 188 Names of Students 192 University of London Rulesof 195 University of Edinburgh 197 College of Physicians 200 College of Surgeons 202 Society of Apothecaries 203 Medical Depart of the Army 205 Medical Depart of the Navy 206 Medical Department East India Company 207 Medical Society of King's Coll 181 Medical Tutor- Instruction given 138 Fees 155 Medicine Principles and Prac- tice of- Lectures 134 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Midwifery- Lectures 135 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Military Department- Professors'Names 211 Instruction given 212 Regulations respecting Students 213 Officer's Class 215 The Associateship 215 Fees 216 441 pag κ Military Department- Prizemen 1857 217 Scholarships and Prizes 217 Names of Students 218 Hours of Attendance 218 Mineralogy- Lectures '109 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 Modern History- Lectures 79 215 Fees S4 217 Hours of-Attendance 85 218 Museums- King George III 113 Anatomy Materia Medica Natural History &c 146 Names of Students and Pupils- Theological Department 72 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 100 Dep of Applied Sciences 128 Medical Department 192 Military Department 218 The School 249 Navy Medical Service 206 Natural Philosophy- Lectures 104 138 Fees 117 155 Hours of Attendance 118 158 Officers of the Coll Names of 33 Officers Class for 215 Hours 218 Oriental Languages- Fees 84 Hours of Attendance 85 Pastoral Theology- Course on 59 Fees 65 Hours 66 Photography Instruction in Ill Physicians College of 200 Physiology- Lectures 132 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance
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