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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-438

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Page content

410 INDEX page General Literature and Science Department of cont Prizes Subjects of 858 92 Scholars Names of 95 Prizemen 1857 9S Names of Students 100 Geography- Fees Hours 218 Geology- Lectures 109 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 German- Lectures 80 Fees 84 238 Hours of Attendance 85 259 Gill Prize 171 Governors Names of 8' Greek Evening Course 257 Head Master's Prize 231 Hebrew- Fees 84 Hours of Attendance Honorary Fellows of King'sCollege 268 Honours gained by former Pupils- University of Oxford 271 University of Cambridge 278 University of London 278 East India Service 286 Hospital King's College- Staff 131 Officers and Committee 139 Report 1856 140 Number of Patients 144 145 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance 159 Clinical Clerks 173 Physicians' Assistant 176 Assistant House Physician 176 Physician-Accouch Assistant 17 Dressers 177 House Surgeon 179 Assistant House Surgeon 179 Operations 180 Post-mortem Examinations 180 Midwifery Cases 180 page Inglis Memorial Foundation of Scholarships 41 Contributors to 55 Rules of the Endowment 86 Italian Fees 84 Hours 85 Laboratory Chemical 149 Land Surveying and Levelling- Instruction given 106 Fees 117 Hours of Att ndance 118 Latin Evening Course 257 Leathes Prize Endowment 160 List of Prizemen 182 Legacies List of 53 Library Medical 148 General 261 Literary Union School 241 Logic- Lectures 77 138 Fees 84 155 Hours 86 158 Manufacturing Art Machinery- Instruction given 104 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 Masters of School Names of 219 Materia Hedica- Lectures 134 fees 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Mathematics- Lectures 257 215 103 77 Fees 84 117 217 258 Hours of Attend 25 218 118 85 Medical Department- Professors' Names 130 Hospital Staff 131 Course of Instruction 131 Hospital Committee &c 139 Museums 146 Library 148 Chemical Laboratory 149 Regulations respecting Students 149 Course recommended 152 Fees 155
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