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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-436

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Page content

INDEX page Anatomy- Lectures 132 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Annual Report 1856 35 Apothecaries Society of 203 Applied Sciences Department- Professors' Names 102 Instruction given 103-113 Regulations 1H Associateship Rules for the 115 Fees 116 Hours of Attendance 118 Scholarships Rules for 120 Subjects for 1858 122 Prizes 123 Certificates 124 Scholars' Names 125 Prizemen for 1857 127 Names of Students 128 Arabic- Fees 84 Hours of Attendance 85 Arithmetic Evening Course of 257 Army Medical Service 205 Arts of Construction- Lecture 104 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 Associates Privileges of 287 Names of 287 Associateship Rules for the- Theological Department 67 Dep of Gen Lit Science 83 Dep of Applied Sciences----- 115 Medical Department 159 Military Department 215 page Auditors for 1857 19 Banking Evening Course on 257 Benefactions List of 52 Bequest Form of 53 Books by Professors &c 443 Books Use of in the School 229 Book-keeping Evening Course on 257 Botany- Lectures 135 Fees 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Boxes for Gowns &c 267 Candidates Class of Theological 67 Chemical Laboratory 149 Chemistry Practical- Instruction given 136 108 Fees 117 155 Hours of Attendance 118 158 Chemistry- Depart of App Sciences- Lectures 108 Fees 117 Hours of Attendance 118 Medical Department- Lectures 133 Fees ----- 155 Hours of Attendance 158 Evening Course on 257 Fees- 258 Hours 260 Analytical &c Instruction given 137 Fees 15 Chinese Professorship- Fees 84 Hours of Attendance δ&
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