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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-432

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434 THE SCHOOL Give an account of the pronominal cecum and decline ecquis Distinguish the genitives nostrum and nostri Distin- guish alius-alter Write seven hundredth in Latin In the sentence legiona- riis ccc numum millia viritim dedit write ccc at length How may the Latin conjugations be reduced to one Define verb transitive and explain olet unguenta State what verbs take double accusative and explain Socratein philosophum appellant What is the Latin for sent you letter Correct the expressions -laborem parcere-tribunos obedire-principi adire When we find Indus Circenses eburna effigies prseiret how do we guide ourselves in ascertaining the government of compounded verbs -Maledicimur et benedicimus criticise the Latinity Give examples of passive deponents Give instances of the interchange in etymology between Ζ and Distinguish aut from an and explain the following Illic fugam tentans an ficto crimine interficitur &xeth rammar When we have word ending in must we decline it like ρονσα or like φίλια or like σωμα Decline i7r7rfvr-πατήρ-1 αΰϊ-υγιή Compare φίλο -κλέπτη How do the Greeks express the two articles of the English Explain ότου-νίν-σφί Give the syncopated forms of the moods and persons of ΐστηκα What is the meaning of τβταρταί0ϊ Express in Greek self--same-lie Name the four dialects and the authors in each
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