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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-43

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annual report april 1857 43 Students and for his watchfulness in guarding against accidents in the use of the machinery The Workshop is now open daily from One to Six and the Students eagerly take advantage of its increased effectiveness and of the much greater facilities which are now afforded for the execution of various works Mr Timme being now fully employed in the Workshop has resigned the office of Curator of the Museum of George III and Mr John Edward Cock has been reappointed in his place course of Lectures on Practical Farming by Mr Lock- hart Morton has been just opened by an introductory Lecture attended by large number of noblemen and gentlemen and as this is subject of great present interest and strictly within the sphere of this Department the Council hope that it may lead to the furtherance of practical Agriculture Since the presentation of their last Report the Council have made arrangements for the teaching and practice of Photo- graphy in connexion with the Department of Applied Sciences The importance of this new art in reference to the subjects taught in that Department is now so generally recognised that some knowledge both of the principles and practice of it has become very desirable By its rapid and exact delinea- tions of the most intricate machinery Photography has already proved of the greatest advantage to the Civil Engineer To the minute Anatomist the Geologist and the Botanist it offers more exact and faithful transcripts of numerous natural phenomena than are attainable by the unassisted hand Its value therefore in mechanical and scientific operations has induced the Council to place the attainment of it espe- cially within the reach of those Students to whom in their future professions it is likely to prove highly beneficial But in reference to education generally and more parti- cularly as practical application of different branches of scientific instruction given in the College the Council regard this new art as deserving the distinction now bestowed upon it The most rigid study of the different phenomena of light and the careful examination of the subtlest chemical combina- tions are involved in its practice They therefore anticipate
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