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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-423

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THE SCHOOL 425 State the origin and the chief battles with dates of the Second Punic War 10 Specify the dates the parties concerned and the results of the battles of Beneventum Cyiioscephalue Pydna Philippi Pharsalia Actium 11 Give an outline of events in the reigns of Vespasian and Titus 12 About what periods did the following characters live and what prominent circumstances rendered them remarkable- Charles Martel Gregory VII Louis IX Clement Charles Gustavus Adolphus 13 Explain the claims to the throne of the first sovereign of the successive houses in the history of England 14 State the chief circumstances results and dates of the battles of Morgarten Bannockburn Crecy Flodden Field Pul- towa Blenheim Marengo Leipsic 15 Give some particulars of the rise and progress of the Ottoman empire 16 Explain briefly the historical allusions in -the Pragmatic Sanction Diet of Spires Solemn League and Covenant Revoca- tion of the Edict of Nantes War of the Succession the Seven Years' War SECOND CLASS CLASSICAL SCHOLARSHIP -Ci osfpit arcorHtng to St Eufee In what connexion is St Luke mentioned in the New Tes- lament On what grounds is it supposed that he was Jew descended from Gentile parents Show that he could not have been one of the seventy Disciples For whose benefit was his Gospel written How does this appear from internal evidence What is the declared scope of his Gospel What circumstances does St Luke record which are un- noticed in the other Gospels
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