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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-42

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2 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1857 where The conduct and diligence of the Students leave nothing to desire This Department combining as it does the inculcation of scientific principles with their practical application is specially adapted to the wants of England at the present day Whether the object be Civil or Military Engineering Sur- veying Architecture Agriculture or the higher branches of Manufacturing Art the Pupil learns in one Lecture-room the illustration exemplification and actual practice of those principles which he masters in another and the result is not mere theorist or mere artificer but scientific workman care being taken at the same time that his moral and religious education keeps pace with his progress in secular knowledge It is not to be wondered at therefore that Students thus educated receive ample encouragement when they leave the College to pursue their several professions An illustration of the value of this training has been recently furnished by the success 'of former Student of this Department Mr William Burges in the competition for the best design of church to be erected at Constantinople in memory of the heroes who fell at Sebastopol On this occasion as in similar competition relative to the Cathedral at Lisle Mr Burges obtained the first prize and it was very satisfactory to the Council that in allowing the use of corridor in the College for the exhibition of the designs for the Memorial Church they had the pleasure of seeing the highest place assigned to one of their own former Students In recognition of his merit the Council have appointed Mr Burges an Honorary Fellow Since the date of the last Report very important improve- ments have been made in the Workshops In order to facilitate without superseding the manual labour of the Students it has been thought right to introduce steam-power in connexion with the turning-lathes and other machinery Besides this planing-machine has been provided for metal work The greatest credit is due to Mr Timme the Super- intendent of the Workshop for his care in directing these improvements for his unwearied patience in instructing the
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