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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-417

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THE SCHOOL 419 22 Translate επεθνμει γεμίσαι την κοιΧίαν αΰτον από των κερατίων ήθεΧον ονν Χηβείν αυτόν εις το πΧοϊον αΧΧα νυν ό εχων βάλάντιον άράτω ομοίως καϊ πήραν και μή εχων πωλησ'ότω το ίμάτιυν αυτού και άγορασάτω μάχαιραν 23 Show that the reception which the Gospel met with illus- trates the words μακάριοι εστε όταν μισησωσιν νμας οι άνθρωποι καϊ όταν άφορίσωσιν υμάς καϊ όνειόίσωσι και εκβάΧωσι τό όνομα υμών ώς πονηρόν ένεκα του νιου του ανθρώπου II- Ctaro pro Clutntto In what year was this Oration delivered How old was Cicero at that time What office in the state did he then fill Give an outline of the case What was the result of the trial What are considered to he the chief merits of this Oration What weak point has been noticed in the defence With what inconsistency is Cicero charged Who composed the Judices in this trial Of how many did they consist State the changes that took place at various periods in the selection of Judices Explain the circumstances connected with the Judicium Junianum Define the terms judex qucestionis-sequester-interpres- iecurioxes-patronus-adtocatus-lictores-via tores sectores- coactores-sort it io-subsortitio -judicium -prajudicium-consi- Hum-concio-rostra-subsellia Translate and explain the following passages Testamentum fecit ejusmodi ut ίIIi filio H-S CCCCI3333 millia legaret Ei testamento legat grandem pecuniam filio si natus esset ah secundo herede nihil legat Cum in consilium iri oporteret quaesivit ab eo Junius quaesitor ex lege ilia Cornelia quae turn erat clam an palam de se sententiam ferri vellet
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