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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-414

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416 THE SCHOOL How is Sulphuric Acid obtained Give its composition and leading characters In what forms is Phosphorus most abundantly met with How is it procured Mention its principal characters both in the vitreous and in the amorphous form Enumerate the principal elements which are distinctly ascertained to be poisonous whether isolated or in the form of Oxides Give the tests for Ammonia Lime Magnesia Iron and Lead when in solution What are the tests for Iodine for Sulphuric Phosphoric Oxalic and Hydrocyanic Acids when in solution Describe the mode of preparing Calomel and Corrosive Sublimate How may each of these bodies be recognised VII FIRST CLASS CLASSICAL SCHOLARSHIP -Cije 0£ipcl of St Uttiw Give an account of St Luke What was his object in dedicating his Gospel to Theophilus πολλοί επεχείρησαν άνατάξασθαι διήγησιν περ των πεπλη- ροφορημένων εν ημίν πραγμάτων What inferences may we draw from this πολλοί επεχείρησαν Explain πεπΧηροφορημενων Explain the words -Ίερατεύειν iv τή τάξει τη εφημερία λειτουργία θνμιάσαι ναόν μυστήρια διηρμήνευεν έξεμυκτήριζον νπωπιαζω άσώτω κερατίων τον άρτου τη προθεσεω What are the two ways of translating χαίρε κεχαριτωμένη What is the usual meaning of verbs in όω Translate and explain -αΰτη ή απογραφή πρώτη εγενετο ήγεμονεύοντο τη Συρία Κνρηνίου
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