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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-412

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414 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT What muscle9 produce the several movements of the ankle joint What is the course and what are the relations with regard to other abdominal viscera of the Colon Mem -Write out each Question at the head of its respective answer II -φ βίαΐαχν Describe the principal phenomema attending Molecular Motion Ciliary Motion and Muscular Contraction and illustrate your answer with examples What structures would you see in very thin transverse section of the Tendo Achillis under power of 250 diameters Describe the different forms in which Voluntary Muscle occurs and draw diagrams to show how the contractile tissue is connected with the tendon Describe the process of Mastication and mention the prin- cipal nerves and muscles concerned in the movements Describe the Mitral Valve and its mode of action β Enumerate the principal constituents of the Liquor Sanguinis and describe the physical and chemical characters of the two most important How are fatty and starchy substances altered in their passage through the Alimentary Canal Give rough sketch of transverse section of Compact Tissue of Long Bone and name the several structures you delineate Draw diagram of Villus and name the different parts 10 Give sketches of the arrangement of the Capillary Vessels of Muscle Adipose Tissue Bene Serous Membrane and of the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach
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