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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-411

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 413 the tests of its purity What are the uses and the dose of this drug What are chief adulterations of Quinae Disulphas and the means of detecting them Enumerate the drugs both mineral and vegetable which are commonly used as Emetics and state the indications for the use of each Enumerate the chief vegetable Astringents and name the plants which yield them To what constituents do they owe their astringency and with what substances are they incom- patible -No mention of Opium is required in the answer to this Question JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS L-Unatomt What is meant by "typical vertebra and of what ele- ments does it consist Illustrate by reference to examples taken from the human spine What are the chief chemical constituents of bone in the human subject State in round numbers the proportions of earthy and animal matter in childhood in the adult and in old age What are the differences in the mechanical arrangement of the osseous tissue in long short and fiat bones Describe an inferior turbinated bone and its attachments Describe the distinctive characters of an immovable movable and mixed joint Illustrate by examples Enumerate the muscles of ordinary respiration distin- guishing those of inspiration from those of expiration In what way do they act What muscles may assist in extraordinary inspiration and expiration
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