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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-410

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412 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 10 What are the characters of Hippuric Acid Describe the mode of procuring it What is the effect of prolonged boiling it with Hydro-chloric Acid 11 Illustrate the difference between Common and Polarised Light 12 Explain the construction and action of Grove's Voltaic Battery IV -JSotang Give the distinctive characters of the following Classes of Plants -Phanerogamia Vascular Cryptogamia Cellular Crypto- gamia Take any plant belonging to the Class Phanerogamia and give general description of its organization Give some account of the anatomical conditions localities and form in which cellulose starch and chlorophyll are met with Define with examples the following terms Endorhizous Gymnospermous Pinnate Notorhizous Pinnatifid Pleurorhizous Vexillary Estivation Anatropous -iHatma illrtura ant Eijerapcutua Name the specimens numbered to 20 Describe the mode of preparing Iodide of Potassium the tests of its purity its physiological effects and its therapeutical uses What are the physiological effects and uses of Iron and its salts Enumerate the preparations of Iron in the London Pharmacopoeia and state the usual dose of each What is the composition of Tartar Emetic With what substances is it incompatible By what means may its mixture with uncombined Bitartrate of Potash be detected Describe the mode of preparing Extractuin Elaterii and
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