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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-409

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 411 II -PijDStoIogi Describe the characters of Involuntary Muscular Fibre and enumerate the localities in which it occurs in the human subject Describe the physical and chemical changes in Respiration and state how these are modified in Emphysema of the Lung Describe the anatomy of the Supra-renal Capsules What office do these bodies probably discharge in the human subject What is the Micropyle and in what classes of animals has its presence been demonstrated Describe the changes in the Ovum immediately succeeding impregnation up to the appearance of the primitive trace Give rough sketches of any four microscopical preparations which you have examined in the Museum during the present Winter Session and name the different structures delineated III -CijemtStri Explain what is meant by Homologous Series Illustrate Liebig's theory of Organic Radicles Describe the method of analysing substance composed of Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen Enumerate the principal varieties of Alcohol What are the characters which distinguish the Alcohols as class Give the composition of Tartaric Acid How is it pro- cured Describe its leading characters What is Cream of Tartar Describe its properties State the properties composition and mode of preparing Tartar Emetic How is Morphia obtained Mention the principal substances which accompany it in Opium Give the formuke for Morphia and Narcotine Describe the mode of preparing Prussiate of Potash What are its properties and composition Mention some oi its charac- teristic reactions How are Alloxan and Alloxantin obtained
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