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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-408

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410 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Give sketch of the Clinical history of Bronchitis Mention the various conditions that may give rise to Ascites and show how they may be distinguished in practice Describe the characters of Syphilitic Lichen and show how it may be distinguished from other papular eruptions By what circumstances may Rheumatic Fever Gout Gonorrhoeal Rheumatism and Syphilitic Periostitis be distin- guished from each other -Illustrate your answers where occasion offers by re- ference to cases treated in the Hospital during the Winter Session VI BitsUUrv SECOND YEAR SCHOLARSHIP -&natomg What are the general differences in form and structure between foetal and an adult skeleton What are the dif- ferences between male and female adult skeleton What is the use of collar bone Describe the sterno-clavicular joint and state what muscles produce its different movements Enumerate the mu3cles or tendons which araattached to the different bones of the wrist and hand including fingers and state the site of such attachments What checks the movements of the knee-joint What muscles are supplied by the following nerves- Musculo-spiral and its branches Median Ulnar What are tbe relations of the subclavian artery external to the scalenus anticus What are the relations of the abdominal aorta Describe the boundaries of the inguinal and femoral canals 10 What is the use of the portio-dura What muscles are supplied by it What are the effects of its palsy
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