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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-407

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 409 hour What considerations would lead you to believe that he was poisoned and what poisons would be likely to cause death within so short period Describe the symptoms of poisoning by Arsenious Acid Describe the post-mortem appearances in poisoning by the concentrated Mineral Acids Give the tests and antidote for Oxalic Acid IV -J&urgtrg What is Caries and what is Necrosis Describe the die- tinctions between them Give the symptoms and probable result of each and the treatment State how you would distinguish between fracture of the neck of the thigh bone and dislocation at the hip joint man having been in the Hospital for eight weeks for broken leg is dismissed cured with the ordinary instructions how to take care of himself but comes back with partial paralysis of the upper extremities What is the cause of his distress and what are the prospects of cure Several interesting cases of Abscess have been in the Hos- pital under Mr Fergusson's care during the past Session state the leading features regarding them What is Anaesthesia What agent Would you employ to induce this state What may forbid its use in the practice of Surgery How would you obviate its dangers SUWinc Describe the general phenomena of Inflammation and the changes which it causes in the blood Name and describe the principal varieties of Cancer and give an account of the structure and mode of growth of cancerous tumours Mention the distinctive characters of an Epileptic seizure and the various conditions on which it may depend
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