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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-406

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408 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT VI i$U&tcaI Bepartment SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP -Snatomg In what way would you expose the third portion of the Duodenum and Pancreas with the least possible disturbance ot the other abdominal viscera What part of the Chest would you select for tapping in Empyemaί and what part of the Belly for tapping in Ascites State the anatomical reasons for your choice of situation Π Pijggtologj נ What is the probable function of the posterior Columns of the Cord and how are your views confirmed by pathological or recent anatomical observations and experiments What is the function of the Malpighian Tuft and how is it modified in different vertebrate animals Describe briefly the characters of the human embryo between the third and fifth weeks of intra-uterine life -dforrnitr iHrttctnt In case of suspected Infanticide what steps would you take to ascertain whether the child had breathed Compare the appearance of the lungs before and after respiration Give classification of Poisons State the symptoms proper to each class and illustrate by examples person is taken suddenly ill and dies within half an
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