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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-402

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APPLIED SCIENCES right angles to plane the other also shall be at right angles to the same plane 16 Find the angle at which side of pyramid is inclined to the base the sides being equilateral triangles and the base square IBepartment of tjje ΕρρΙύΰ gfcctences JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIP -aijtbra Cuclfo antJ Crigononutrp The questions upon these subjects were the same as those set for the Junior Mathematical Scholarship in the Department of General Literature and Science II -IHtntralogn atrti eologji What is understood by Stratification To what agency is it ascribed What is meant by the terms "conformable and unconformable How are rocks generally divided and what are the characters of each group What aid does the study of organic remains or of the remains of former animals and plants found imbedded in the strata afford to the Geologist in determining the relative age of stratified deposits Point out the formations below the carboniferous and state what fossils are peculiar to them What fossils may be considered as decisive in determining sedimentary deposits more recent than the carboniferous How would you proceed to examine foreign country and in what way would you record your observations and mark your
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