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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-392

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394 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Give critical account of the writers consulted by Livy for the Second Punic War What is Patavinity Give the leading peculiarities of Livy's style Quote Juvenal's description of Hannibal Ennius' lines on Fabius and Virgil's on Marcellus Give an account of Roman tragedy What is the Saturnian verse 10 How far is the Satire of Roman origin What were the Silli and Satyric dramas 11 Derive the words -Hannibal Barca Hamilcar Hanno Tyre Sidon Sufletes Meddixtuticus Tarentum Beneventum Himera Baliares Apenninus Arpi Sicilia Gallus Nero Bruttii Hirpini Picenum Lucani Arethusa 12 Give the dates of the defeat at Litana Silva the fall of Saguntum the revolt of Tarentum the siege of Casilinum the action at Nola the death of the Scipios in Spain the death of Gracchus in Lucania 13 Illustrate Niebuhr's view that Latin is half Greek and half Oscan 14 Explain the following passages -Nati Carthagine sed oriundi ab Syracusis-Quum sors praerogativae aniens juniorum exisset-Fulvio extra ordinem provincia decreta-ut consules sortirentur compararentve inter se-ex ergastulo miles-colligere vasa convivia in propatulo-pileati volones sunt epulati- tribuque moti aerarii omnes facti-haereditatem regni creverit- sentinam urbis exhaustam-libera custodia servari-sitella allata est ut sortirentur ubi Latini suffragium ferrent-ipsi aqua et igni placere interdici-qui minores septem et decern annis sacra- mento dixissent iis stipendia procedereut-ne quis eorum munere vacaret neu dono militari virtutis ergo donaretur-ut populus stipem Apollini conferret-Pedanius princeps primus centurio- armatum exercitum decurrisse cum tripudiis Hispanorum- intentum formis quas in pulvere descripsit-Tusculuin diem ad conveniendum edixit-Ver sacrum vovendum 15 Explain the following constructions Quod quidam auctores sunt quingentis fere passibus castra posuit
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