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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-39

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annual report april 1857 Council while they congratulated themselves on the accession of so distinguished member to their own body in his capacity of Official Governor were at first afraid lest that advantage should be dearly purchased by the loss of his services as Professor of Theology and they were therefore much relieved on finding that the Dean was not only able but cordially willing in accordance with the expressed desire of the Council to discharge the duties of the Professorship notwithstanding his elevation to high office in the Church The first of two Prizes given by Miss Burdett Coutts for the best Essays on the book of Job was assigned to Mr William Benham Student of this Department The Department of General Literature and Science has increased its numbers and the Students have been more than usually diligent in their studies The Principal reports with the utmost satisfaction as to the conduct of the Students and as to their attendance upon his lectures Of those formerly connected with this Department the Rev Frederick William Farrar has obtained Fellowship at Trinity College Cam- bridge as well as the Le Bas Prize Mr William Jackson Brodribb has obtained Fellowship at St John's Mr Thomas Roscoe Rede Stebbing was placed in the 2d Class in Classics at Oxford while Mr Messenger and Mr Hudson obtained open Scholarships at Lincoln and Pembroke Mr Henry Martyn Thelwall was successful competitor for the Civil Service of India At the University of London the following honours have been obtained AT THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS In Mathematics and Natural Philo- Walter West Walter West Prize Henry Godrich Henry Godrich Walter West sophy In Chemistry In Animal Physiology Alpheus Hermann Moore In Vegetable Physiology and Struo- James Heath tural Botany In the Hebrew Text
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