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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-388

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE By bare imagination of feast Or wallow naked in December snow By thinking on fantastic summer's heat no the apprehension of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worse -Cranilatc into Eattn itpriiS or Icatacsi As late each flower that sweetest blows plucked the garden's pride Within the petals of rose sleeping Love spied Around his brows beamy wreath Of many lucent hue All purple glowed his cheek beneath Inebriate with dew softly seized the unguarded Power Nor scared his balmy rest And placed him caged within the flower On spotless Sara's breast But when unweeting of the guile Awoke the prisoner sweet He struggled to escape awhile And stamped his faery feet Ah soon the soul-entrancing sight Subdued the impatient boy He gazed he thrilled with deep delight Then clapped his wings for joy And oh he cried of magic kind What charms this throne endear Some other Love let Venus find- I'll fix my empire here Coleridge
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