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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1857-1858-38

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38 annual report april 1857 Matriculated Students Theological Department with Prepa- ratory Class Department of General Literature ו and Science Department of Applied Sciences 57 Military Department 158 Medical Department Evening Classes 390 Occasional Students 33 Medical Department 52 Other Departments 85 177 Evening Classes The School 275 Division 151 Β 426 1078 Total Since the date of the last Report no less than 31 Students of the Theological Department have received the Prin- cipal's Certificate making total of 215 in the course of years duly qualified to become candidates for Holy Orders The number in Class previously to the Easter examination was precisely the same as that at the same period last year thus showing that the departures during the year have been exactly balanced by the new matriculations His Grace the Visitor and the Bishops who accept the Principal's Certificate continue to express undiminished satis- faction at the result of the system of instruction pursued in this Department and Incumbents of parishes are never wanting to offer titles to the Theological Associates on the completion of their two years' training The Court of Proprietors are well aware that the Rev Trench Professor of the Exegesis of the New Testament has lately been elevated to the Deanery of Westminster The
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